
2013-12-13 10.18.50

Canisp, Suilven and Cul Mor, with Lochinver in the foreground.

WSDMG lies in the north west of the country and is one of a number of deer groups in Sutherland. The boundaries of the area are:

  • To the north, a line following the Laxford River from Laxford Bridge and along Lochs Stack, More, Merkland, Ghrama and Shin (A837)
  • The A839 from Lairg, then the A837 from Rosehall via Oykel Bridge to Ledmore junction, then following the A835 south to Ardmair, and then west along the coastline to Achiltibuie.
  • The coastlines of Coigach and Assynt, round Enard Bay then Edrachillis Bay to Laxford Bridge.

The area includes iconic mountains such as Suilven, Canisp and Stac Pollaidh. The villages of Scourie, Kylesku, Lochinver, Drumbeg and Achiltibuie are located within the area.

Click on the link below for map of the West Sutherland DMG area:

West Sutherland DMG map